
For most of my life I have been searching for truth about healing; about my own life; about the origins of life on Planet Earth; and about the power of the Earth to heal us. Wow, that’s a lot I know!
Eventually, in order to survive, I was also forced to research the origins of war, slavery, and many other discords on the earth. I felt those elements were relatively new!
I had a strong inner memory of a Paradise Earth.
I wrote the book, The Land of Broken Crystals to reveal my important findings in my search, not only of the origins of evil (channeled to me, in part, from the Goddess Isis) but how to heal naturally, including with shamanism, Reiki, flower essences, crystals, and herbs.
When I was a very young child in Hanover, MA, I learned about the power of the Earth to heal our minds, hearts and souls–especially through flowers, herbs, and shamanism. Indian Head River, the lilacs in my back yard, the apple tree, a powerful half wild Appaloosa stallion, all contributed to my knowledge, strength, love and power. This magical world became a template for my later advancement into shamanism.
I am an expression of the Goddess, i.e. the Heart of God.
I believe we need the balancing energies of the Goddess returned to Earth to support the Divine Male, the Earth, and the children.
Shamanism is not a religion; it is a form of spiritual surgery. It is a gift from God. It is older than the hills. The oldest skeletal remains of a shaman is carbon dated to be 60,000 years old. The love and protection and friendship provided by Power Animals, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, for humans is one of the most profound gifts we have been given.
Someone on my Facebook page said all true Christians are also shamans. I understand this belief. We all have the power to heal and Christ said as much himself, as I recall, in his teachings.
My spiritual name, given to me by God, is “Bethesda” after the healing pools in Jerusalem.
Love, Jane

Bethesda in Glastonbury, England

Jane Hatch on Worldstage with Bruce de Torres
26 March 2023 Jane Celia Hatch discusses soul loss – which happens with severe shock or trauma – and shamanism, which can retrieve those soul parts and profoundly heal people; Continue Reading →

Religions Are Under “Deep Capture”
In my new book, The Land of Broken Crystals, I mention that the stepmother–the major villian in my true story– is Jewish. And, also, in the back- of- the-book description, Continue Reading →

Cape Cod Sharks Send Warning to Humans
Published by Sacred Hoop Magazine in January 2020, by Jane Celia Hatch Telepathic Transmission from Sharks, i.e. Shark Whisperer, recieved by me in December 2019 by Jane Celia Hatch, MA Continue Reading →

MK Ultra Mind Control
In my new book, The Land of Broken Crystals, I often make reference to mind control, even MK Ultra Mind Control, which is a system of torture brought into America Continue Reading →

Ancestors, Gods and Goddesses, and Middle World Spirits( A Shamanism Workshop)
Align with your loving and compassionate Ancestors, Power Animals, Spirit Guides and Nature Spirits (including, but not limited to, the Spirits of Trees, Lakes, Mountains, Flowers, Giants, Fairies ) and Continue Reading →
The Miracle Healing Powers of Osha Root, i.e Bear Medicine; The Spirit Woman, Rose
Recently, my friend, Prax and I harvested osha root in the Pecos Mountains near Santa Fe, NM. Osha root (ligusticum porteri) grows in mountain ranges in the Southwest which reach Continue Reading →
–Ruth Badar Ginsberg: An Old Leaf Withers and Butterflies Are Freed–
I received two readings on Ruth Badar Ginsberg, the Supreme Court Judge, who reportedly died yesterday, 9/18/2020. The first reading, came, unexpectedly, from Princess Diana. I was journeying to Upper Continue Reading →
Targeting Is Out of Control, Colloidal Silver, Osha, Flower Essences and Shamanism
I always want to to talk about healing; the beauty of Lower World; the grandeur of Upper World; and power animals, angels, healing herbs, crystals, and flower essences. Targeting, especially Continue Reading →